Stephen Martin Poulter / Jayne Hatton

Photo of Steven and Jayne

Name Stephen Martin Poulter / Jayne Hatton

About us. Jayne comes from Manchester and moved down to Basingstoke to be with me. ( Steve)

Steve have lived in Old Basing and Basingstoke all of my life. I been spinning discs since 1978.


Jayne makes craft jewellery, bags etc as she cannot work. Steve is a d.j and courier. Love all kinds of things

Your show day

Saturday Social.

Your show time

Midday till 2pm.

Why do you like presenting on Basingstoke Community Radio?

Being a radio d.j is what i always wanted to do.. So jumped at the chance. Jayne also loves doing the show.

Get in touch.

Email me .



Face book.